The 5 best home hyperbaric chambers

The 5 best home hyperbaric chambers

The 5 best home hyperbaric chambers aka mild hyperbaric chambers.  With the popularity growing among home hyperbaric use.  This guide will help you choose the best hyperbaric chamber for your home.  All of the chambers are not rated is best to least but all 5 equally the only difference being price and shape.  I have chose these chamber based on the needs of the customer and budget conscious.
Used Flexi Lite
If you are looking for a home oxygen chamber for your home give us a call. Owning your own chamber will save you time and money.

The 5 best home hyperbaric chambers

  1. 26″  Hyperbaric chamber – $3,800 This is the excellent entry chamber.  26″ diameter and 7′ long.  It is whit bright and has two zippers and buckles for extra support.  This chamber is perfect a single (person woman or small male). The chamber is one of the safest chambers with two open valves, two compressors, and surge alarm.
  2. 27″ Hyperbaric Chamber – $3695 The another great entry level chamber.  This chamber only comes with one pump but you can add another to your order with ease.  This chamber is 27″  diameter and around 7′ long.  The chamber and a external frame, metal fixtures, think vinyl and three zippers.
  3. 33″ Hyperbaric Chamber – $8,800 for this mid range home hyperbaric chamber.  33″ diameter and 7 foot long.  This chamber can fit easily a parent and child or two adult.  This chamber comes with two pumps and external frame with foam mattress.
  4. 34″ Hyperbaric Chamber – $6895 This chamber comes with one pump but you can upgrade to two (recommended).  34″ diameter and 8′ long.  This chamber has three windows and the front facing windows in made of plexiglass that does not satin, fade or dry rot.  This chamber can be used for home or professional use.
  5. 60″ Vertical Hyperbaric Chamber – $14,995 This is the largest home chamber on the market and by far my favorite.  I have owned several of these chambers and I personally have one of these in my master bedroom. .  I love it.  The footprint is not bad only 6ft. square do you need for the space.  You can easily fit a parent and child or two adults in this awesome chamber.  The versatility is pulse you can sit in a chair, relax in a bean bag or lay down.
I hope this article helps you choose the best home hyperbaric chamber.  Please share if you think this article could help someone choose the best hyperbaric chamber.  Check out my Youtube channel for more great hyperbaric videos.  If you are interested in a private home hyperbaric chamber please feel free to call me or my team 770-462-9611. Thank you for taking the time for reading my article.
Yours in health
Dr. Louis Hilliard DC


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