Newtowne Hyperbarics

Newtowne Hyperbarics 

Newtowne Hyperbarics Chamber
Newtowne Hyperbarics has been making mild hyperbaric chamber for home and clinical use for almost 20 year. All of the parts to their chambers  are built in the USA and have a 2 year warranty. In my opinion these are the best built chamber in the market.  
Their class 4 chamber has been around since the exception and has withstood the test of time.  There chambers have a 100% safety record and are built to last for many years. In my year of inspecting and brokering the sales of used chambers these chamber are not only the best built but have the best resale value.  
The materials that are used in this chamber are superior in all aspect of mild hyperbaric chambers.  This chamber is far superior in every way than their counterpart that is three times the cost. Let me start with the hypoallergenic vinyl material the thickness is amazing, the gage is much thicker than any competition in the market.  “You can visually see and feel the difference”. Most important the intake valve is an open valve that you can literally put a pencil through. This is a great thing to look for when buying a chamber. Also Open Valve for Newtowne Hyperbaric Chamberan industry only all of their valves, gages and frame are made of metal.  The combination of these industry only aspect insure that this chamber will last longer that any on the market.  
One of the best things of this chamber that I like is that the window is made of a clear plexiglass that is far superior than the flimsy rubber window, that is prone to discoloration, glue rot, and broken seals that is 3 times over price.  This window will last as long as the chamber. I have seen these chamber come in over ten years old that the window is as clear as the day it was made. That is amazing.

Newtowne Hyperbarics For Sale

These chambers are very relaxing with quiet compressors and an external frame.  So you don’t have to worry about body rub of a metal internal frame that becomes annoying and painful during your session.  The frames are made of a this aluminum pipe that will withstand wear and tear for years to come.  
Newtown Hyperbarics is committed to their customers all of their chambers have a 2 year warranty and they offer support 4 days a week.  
All of their chamber you can position it for top or side entrance for customer convenience and accessibility.  This chamber also come with a 4” think mat that is a plus when doing long sessions.   
Zipper construction is unlike no other.  All chamber have 3 zippers that require no lubrication.  One that is airtight and with the other two offer extra strength.  Neve buy a chamber with two zipper you will just be asking for trouble over time.  
Their chambers come is three sizes 
  1. 27” Class 4
  2. 34” Class 4
  3. 40” Class 4
The length of chambers range from 7 ft to 9 ft.  
Newtowne hyperbaric chambers are one of the best built chambers in the market bar none.  Their safety record speaks for itself. The attention to quality materials put this chamber at the top. I would recommend this chamber to anyone that plans to buy a chamber and keep it for years to come because it will last for many many years.
If this article has helped you then please checkout all my other content that can help you make the best decision to purchase the best hyperbaric chamber for your needs.  Atlanta Hyperbaric Center is a Certified Dealer and Dr. Hilliard (Me) has over 15 year of clinical experience. So let me help you make the best decision and save you money.  If you found this article to be useful please share the information.  I also check and respond to all comments so please leave me your thoughts. If you have any questions for me or you would like to purchase a Newtowne Chamber Call 770-462-9611.  Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
Yours in health,


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