5 Side Effect Of Hyperbaric

In one of  my articles I discussed The 15 Contraindications of Hyperbaric and how that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not could be harmful and even have deadly consequences.  All manufactures and health care professionals take in consideration and do their very best to reduce the risk of harm.  With that know the side effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is crucial knowledge for anyone looking to purchase, administer care or patients use for the first time.   Knowing these 5 common side effects from hyperbaric is sure to help.  With mild hyperbaric the effect maybe minimal but the same for this as well.
Side Effects Of Hyperbaric 
There are side effects some more severe than others associated with mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
  1. Ear Pain: The most common side effect is middle ear pain; it is, however, non-life threatening and resolves rather quickly. Patients will usually experience this more in the initial visits, and it will subside over time. This does not mean that one should ignore this. Patient communication is the key to a happy patient. Educate patients on what to expect during their initial visits and recommend pressure-relieving techniques for their comfort.
  2. Claustrophobia: Another side effect of the treatment is claustrophobia. Claustrophobia, which appears to be present in about 2% of the general patient population, may cause some degree of confinement anxiety. In order to accommodate the patient, one should reassure the patient that they are in control of chamber operations, use an upright chamber (horizontal chamber), and use a lighter, brighter chamber.
  3. Congestion, cold or flu: HBOT operators should ask if the patient has any cold or flu symptoms, fever, sinus or nasal congestion, or chest congestion.
  4. Pregnancy: The patient must be asked if there is a possibility that she may be pregnant.
  5. Recurrence or worsening of symptoms:
Patients may also experience fatigue after their session.
With Medical grade hyperbaric chambers there is a whole new set of rules and physiological changes do to the pressure and the use of oxygen.  According to the Johns Hopkins article
The possible side effects after HBOT in pressures of 1.5 to 3 time normal atmospheric pressure.
  • The above mentioned
  • including fatigue and lightheadedness.
More severe problems can include:
  • Lung could damage
  • Middle ear Fluid buildup or bursting
  • Sinus can damage
  • Changes in vision, myopia or causing nearsightedness.
  • Oxygen poisoning form using 100% O2
  • Side effects are milder if…
  • The therapy doesn’t last over two hours.
  • The pressure in the chamber is less than 3 ATA.
Before entering or operating a hyperbaric chamber it is vitally important for you to know and understand the contraindications and side effect of hyperbaric.  You need to ask questions before entering a hyperbaric chamber. Ask the patient  if there has been any change in any medications, if one has skipped a meal prior to his or her hyperbaric oxygen therapy, if the patient is diabetic and did not take his or her insulin prior to treatment concerns or anxiety and do they have to go to the bathroom.
If you have any questions reach out on chat.  My staff and I will do our best to help you choose the best hyperbaric solution for you.  I also have a lot of really great content of everything you need to know about mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  So weather it is you just have a few questions of looking to buy a chamber give me a call 770-462-9611
Yours In Health,
Dr. Hilliard
Atlanta Hyperbaric Center


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