5 Tips to buying a cryotherapy machine for sale
Are you confused with all the different cryotherapy machines for sale? Do you want to start a new business but don’t know where to start? Hello, I am Dr.
Hilliard and I am expert in cryotherapy and helping people just like you to start up their business. In this article I will give you 5 Tips to buying a cryotherapy machine for sale. Helping you save time and money.

5 Tips to buying a cryotherapy machine for sale
1. Buy New: There are many benefits to buying new. Warranty and support are the two main things that best come to mind. Buying new can save you time, money and headaches. Let the manufacture warranty and technicians take care of you. You focus on building your business.
2. Made In USA: This is one of the best pieces of advice I can give. You do not want you machine to break down and you have to send it over seas to be repaired, costing you more time and money. When you buy from a US manufacture they will be able to send technician and fix it usually within day to a week.
3. Warranty: Never buy a cryotherapy machine without a warranty. All quality new and used cryo machines will come with a warranty. Most new machines come with a minimum of a two year warranty and used come with a limited warranty up to a year.
4. Needs /Uses: It is important that you know what type of cryotherapy machine you need. There are many types. Localized, portable and full body cryotherapy machines. What is it that you are trying to do and use the best tool. This could save you time and improve profits if you know exactly what you what and how you plan on using it.
5. On Going Support: This is crucial point when buying a cryotherapy sauna. The last thing you want todo pay tens of thousands of dollars on something and not get any on going support. Leaving you feeling alone. Ask what is their support system, what is the best way for communication. It is also to ask about business coaching. My motto is “Your success is my success” and pride ourselves on after sale services.
There is many more points but if you follow these point they will help you make the best choice when shopping and purchasing a cryotherapy machine for sale. If you would like more info you can follow my blog or youtube videos. If you would like to speak to someone live feel free to give me a call or leave a comment. I do my best to answer all questions. Please share if you think this information is useful. Atlanta Hyperbaric Center 770-462-9517.
Yours In Health,
Dr. Hilliard
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