5 best Professional mild hyperbaric chambers

5 best Professional mild hyperbaric chambers

In my many years of running a hyperbaric office and owning just about every model of mild chambers in the market.   I have learned through trial and error, on what works the best in a clinical environment.  In searching for a hyperbaric chamber for your office can be a daunting task.  There are so many out there to choose from from the size and shape.  When looking for a professional chamber there is some things that you need to take into consideration the 5 best professional mild hyperbaric chambers.

  • Mobility– When choosing a hyperbaric chamber for you office it is important that you keep in mind patients with mobility issues.  The easer for them to get in and out of the better.  I usually recommend getting a vertical chamber or a chamber that you roll a wheelchair in.
  • Comfortability – Keep in mind the smaller the chamber the hotter it is.  I my practice I have found, that once you get a bigger chamber that is what every patient wants to get in.   The bigger the chamber the cooler it is inside, more comfortable sessions, easer to get in and out of meaning better patient compliancy.
  • Sit or lay down – Lay down chambers (horizontal) if they are large enough you can lay-down or sit up and lean agents the wall of the chamber.   Some office build a platform to put there chamber on for easier transitioning in and out of.   With a Up right chamber (Vertical) –  you can either sit in a chair or if you choose put a bean bag in there for suitable comfort.
  • Size-  When choosing a professional chamber, if in your budget you are going to want to get the largest chamber within you means.  Size does mater when choosing a chamber for your business. As discussed the easier the patient can get in and out of and the more comfortable they are improve patient compliancy and conversions.

Hyperbaric Chambers for professional use

  1. 33/34 mild chambers – This is the smallest size I would would go.  These chambers are under $8,000 and would be a great starter chamber for any business.
  2. 40/42 – These are the good choice for choosing a chamber for business these chambers sell for around $10,000.  This was my personal best until I got the vertical.
  3. 60 Vertical – My personal favorite. Price $14,500 I have owned the style of chamber since the first ones built.  This chamber you can fit two adults or parent and child no problem.  The temperature in the chamber is always cool do to the the valves are high up, while the patient is sitting low.  I was able to see 90% of the people coming in using this chamber.
  4. 60 Pro Plus –  Price $18,000 This is a newer chamber on the market that I help give feed back on design for better transitioning and functionality.  Now the patient is able to perform exercises or physical therapies while in the chamber.  This camber is the big and impressive and will sure to meet the needs of any patient or customer you see.
When choosing the right chamber for your office it can be exhausting at times because you want to make the best decision, use it safely and make money.  Let me help you make some of these tough decisions.  I have help thousands of doctors around the world get the best chamber for their needs, save money and implement effective mild hyperbaric protocols. Your success is my success.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  If you have any question and need some good advice of what to get then please give me a call.  Check out my Youtube page for more great information and product videos.
Yours in health,
Dr. Louis Hilliard

5 Things To Expect When Inside A Hyperbaric Chamber

5 Things To Do To Buy A Hyperbaric Chamber.What is Oxygen Therapy?

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