
How to start a cryotherapy business

How to start a cryotherapy business Are you considering opening a cryotherapy business?  But you don’t know where to start? Hello my name is Dr. Louis Hilliard I have over 15 years clinical experience.  I have owned, operated and helped thousands of customers start up and operate successful spas and clinics all over the world.  In this article I will discuss with you important aspects you need to know when considering a cryotherapy as a profession. Lean how to start a cryotherapy business and what you need to consider before jumping in.    Cryo chamber for sale  How are you going to buy a cryotherapy machine for sale saunsa  Cryotherapy machines are expensive and starting up a new business can be very costly.  It is important to know what type of cryotherapy machine you want and can you afford it.  Cryotherapy machines can range from $20,000 and exceeding  $100,000’s.  So know what you ca...

15 side effects & contraindications of Cryotherapy

15 side effects & contraindications of Cryotherapy     Do you know and understand the potential dangers when considering cryotherapy?  Most people don’t.  Hello my name is Dr. Louis Hilliard and I have over 15 years of clinical experience.  I have helped hundreds of people get a cryotherapy machine and start their cryo business.  In this article I will teach you the side effect and contraindications to help you see if cryotherapy is right for you.  Cryotherapy is becoming more and more popular at gyms, spas and wellness centers across the country.  Athletes, weekend warriors and everyday people are seeing the positive results of cryotherapy.  But it is important that you know what the side effects and contraindications of cryotherapy. The FDA has not approved cryotherapy as a safe and effective to treat any medical conditions and any claims of benefits are just that claims.  But despite the lack of scientific evidence p...